Greetings !

We, the IEEE Student Chapter of ASU, are having our General Info-session on Thursday, August 23rd at 6 PM in USE 104. This is your opportunity to join the club, run for elections and also find out about the events we are planning for this semester.

We will introduce the events for the semester as well as allow students to elect themselves into positions on the board. We will talk about various positions available in the board and the responsibilities associated with it. Take time to personally meet the existing members of the board and get to know their insights about IEEE ASU as Fulton Student Organization and the benefits they received being a board member.

We will meet again on Friday, August 24th at 6 PM in USE 104 for our Board Elections.If you are interested, speak up at the meeting and give a brief 2-minute speech on why you would perform well in the role. This will allow students to vote for specific students who asked to be elected. Please come vote for our new board !

Please follow us on our Facebook page and join our OrgSync group at

to get updates on our events and workshops.As always, food and drinks are available at both meetings, Hope to see you all there !

Thanking you in anticipation,

IEEE ASU Student Branch.