Intel Recruitment at ASU

Intel and the IEEE ASU Student Branch hosted an “Intel Day” on the Engineering Center G-Wing (ECG) North Patio on Tuesday February 4th, from 11am-3pm. Intel partnered with the IEEE ASU Student Branch for Intel Day so that students can learn more about the...

IEEE Rising Stars Conference and CES 2020

How was everyone’s winter break? We hope it was wonderful and that you all got some well-deserved rest from the hectic semester. While we were lounging around, some of our Board Members kept busy over the break by attending the annual IEEE Rising Stars...

Board Appreciation Dinner – Fall 2019

As an IEEE ASU Student Branch tradition, we held our end of semester Board Appreciation Dinner to celebrate the efforts of the Board Members. As as an official end to the Student Branch’s activities for the semester, this event is usually held before finals so...

Homecoming 2019

The IEEE Student Branch joined in on the Homecoming 2019 festivities on November 23. We held a tabling event to welcome everyone, give away swag, and share information about our club. The event was a lot of fun and we were able to explore the other booths as well....

Undergraduate Night

Thank you to everyone that joined in on the Halloween-themed IEEE Undergraduate Night! We all had fun carving pumpkins while discussing the EE pathways. Posters were set up highlighting the different pathways electrical engineering majors can choose to study at ASU,...

IEEE Day 2019 Celebration

The IEEE Day 2019 celebration at ASU was successfully held on October 1st, 2019. Thank you to all that attended the event and participated in the festivities! The purpose of IEEE Day is to celebrate the first time in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members...